Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dresser Re-make

Today I am bringing you a little dresser that took on a whole other life as a TV cabinet. It was made back in the day that I had a honkin’,  25” portable bad-boy inside, but now supports our flat screen, so the insides tend to get a little messy.
misc 001To start it’s transition from dresser to cabinet, I ripped the drawer fronts off the drawers, attached them to plywood, then sawed them up the middle…
Now mind you, I had never destroyed altered a piece of furniture before, but now there was no turning back!
Next order of business…find the right hardware to make the doors “pocket”.
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Mind you, I am making this up as I go along…..but it seems to be working.
Next order of business was the top. I don’t have any before pics, but suffice it to say, it was a mess of peeling veneer. Solution, try my hand at painting faux marble (ala Debbie Travis). Again, never attempted faux finishes…here went nothing.
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All done…and the price was right…my Mom paid $10 for the dresser, gave it to me for free…giver or take $50 in hardware…and vua-la dresser turned TV cabinet with retractable pocket doors.
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p.s. be sure to check out the other wonderful “Cheap Chic” ideas at the Cheap Chic Home linky party and other fun things at Tea Rose Home.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Yummy, Yummy popcorn…good for a nice healthy treat, but some say, not so good for ceilings.

The Interior Designer in me tends to agree, however, living in Texas and on slightly shifting ground, can make me go back and forth on the issue…hmmm…What’s a designer to do?

Some of it’s great features are that it helps hide shifting and settling, buy just adding a little “pooky” and paint.

Well....after stripping off the popcorn in the entry hall (smaller place to make a mistake), only to find patched nail holes and uneven drywall, I reached for  the trusty stash of acrylic paints and made my own sky.

I love how it turned out!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Entering My First Linky Party

One of the blogs I stalk frequently visit, is Tea Rose Home where Sachiko always has some wonderfully creative hand crafted clothing for you to see and make.

Her latest creations were doll clothes she made for her little girl.  That brought back memories for me of the clothes I used to make for my daughter and her “MyTwinn” doll when she was little.
Now, as she gets ready to set off for college (her sophomore year), I decided to dig out the outfits (mostly made for either Halloween of for the summer of 2000.

The first creations for Samantha and her “My Twinn” were really ambitious for fist trials…She was a fan of “Rose” from “Titanic”, so naturally I had to make the “jump” dress for her. I used a store bought adult pattern, scaled down for Samantha’s dress, then reduced and reduced and reduced the pattern pieces again and again for her doll.

Click on the flip-book to open in another window.

 Alas, she is long past playing with dolls, and I am experiencing mixed emotions. for she is a beautiful young woman, who has worked hard against the many obstacles that have been placed in her way.

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I could not be more proud of her!

Grab My Button

Honeydew Productions


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