Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Recurring Theme

Have you ever noticed a recurring theme taking place in your decorating? I didn't know I had a "thing" going on until sitting in my living room (during a freak "Blizzard") in Texas.

Remember these from a previous post?


Well now that I think about it . . .it is true.

My first foray with my "wings" obsession  addiction LOVE began with my love of Fairies. When I was expecting my first child (in 1983), I decorated using these:

The "Fairy" obsession continued with this in 1997 when I cross stitched this.

Then, in honor of 9/11, I cross stitched this in 2002 and it will hang in my entry hall FOREVER. Style b-darnd!

And just last week, after returning from a shopping trip in Bourne, TX., I found these beauties!

Which brings us full circle to these, handmade LOVElies created in 2010!
and since my name is 
it only make sense!

Grab My Button

Honeydew Productions


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