not my family . . . too perfect :) |
True to form, I never get to post as often as I like.
LIFE just seems to always get in the way. Some, of you might know from reading my blog, that I have spent the last 20 years raising a daughter with a disability. Well, she has now "left the nest" to attend college (our hard work paid off in her striving for independence), only for me to take on the role of care-giver for my elderly parents.
Between the stresses of being wife, mother, daughter, nurse, chauffeur . . . the time to blog gets pushed to the wayside. Instead of posting, I would much rather read what all you are up to.
Any way, remember this? and this?
Well, she is back and much, much better! As soon as I can get the pictures done, I'll post her!
Oh, and I'll show you some goodies I got for $4 total at a local estate sale.
Have a great weekend, and thanks for sticking with me !