Sunday, October 10, 2010

Spina Bifida Awareness Month

Not to make light of those who know or have lost someone to Breast Cancer, I would like to point out that October is also Spina Bifida Awareness Month.

For you young mothers-to-be out there, Spina Bifida is the most common birth defect that affects children. Greater than Down's Syndrome or Muscular Dystrophy (the Jerry Lewis gig).

Please be sure that you are taking folic acid supplements prior to becoming pregnant. It can reduce your child's' chances of being effected by 70%. Spina Bifida (a neural tube defect) occurs before you are aware you are pregnant.

My darling daughter (pretty isn't she?)

manages very well despite her disability, attending university and majoring in meteorology.  Not all children are so lucky. Please be vigilant in protecting your unborn child, but also realize that a diagnosis of Spina Bifida need not mean the end of your dreams, only a change in the path a falling star travels.

Hugs to all you moms!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fall is in The Air

Hey . . . I'm back and Fall has arrived in Texas.

I  LOVE the Season, the crisp air in the morning and only "warmish" in the afternoon. Finally it feels like football season! The chance to wear longer sleeves (if only in the morning) and the opportunity to decorate in all the luscious colors of fall.

Mind you, I like the "all-white" look as much as the next person, but somehow, I am also a "color addict". God gave us color . . . and darn it (pardon my french), I like using them.

You will note however, I did include a little black, because every room should include a little black. It adds sophistication whenever it appears.

So sit back, and relax with a "Pumpkin Spice Late'" from Starbucks and enjoy.


Grab My Button

Honeydew Productions


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