Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Not Christmas, but Just as Special

Time has a way of slipping through your fingers, and as you get older, it is as if you have slathered on way too much lotion, because it goes even faster. I say this for all you "newer" mothers out there, because before you know it . . .

this precious bundle that has been placed in your hands, will be off on their own, and your heart will ache for them a little each day.

Take each day, as it comes . . . even when they are HARD! Enjoy each twitch of the cheek in sleep, the smell of their skin, the way they curl all their fingers around just one of yours.

Twenty years ago today, I was given a very special gift from God. She was not in the package I would have preferred, but His infinite wisdom gave her the strength to overcome her trials, and me the strength to help her along.

Happy Birthday Samantha!
Love, Mom

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